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Here is a sample paragraph: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget condimentum leo. Integer ut libero lectus. Donec nisl arcu, sagittis ac est eget, interdum cursus purus. Quisque in lobortis eros. Vivamus euismod dignissim tellus, eget fermentum quam lacinia eget. Proin ut pharetra augue, nec aliquam massa. Nunc commodo sem non suscipit suscipit.

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  4. Limes
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  6. Grapes

This is a blockquote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget condimentum leo. Integer ut libero lectus. Donec nisl arcu, sagittis ac est eget, interdum cursus purus. Quisque in lobortis eros. Vivamus euismod dignissim tellus, eget fermentum quam lacinia eget. Proin ut pharetra augue, nec aliquam massa. Nunc commodo sem non suscipit suscipit.

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Cras molestie nibh ut nisi ultrices elementum. Pellentesque convallis quam sit amet leo iaculis, vitae bibendum quam varius.

Proin tempus magna ut lorem molestie maximus. Aliquam hendrerit ornare metus in ullamcorper. Vivamus efficitur, lacus ac auctor euismod, diam leo molestie turpis, vel malesuada est urna non orci.

Nullam ut rhoncus mauris. Nunc metus nunc, consectetur in mattis vitae, cursus non nisi. Phasellus eleifend quam sit amet egestas ornare. Praesent hendrerit sapien ex, sed condimentum quam convallis vestibulum.

Aliquam nec purus dui. Cras ut velit placerat, tincidunt tellus a, aliquam purus. Phasellus sed lectus ullamcorper, consectetur ex sed, pellentesque dui.

Quisque in lobortis eros. Vivamus euismod dignissim tellus, eget fermentum quam lacinia eget. Proin ut pharetra augue, nec aliquam massa. Nunc commodo sem non suscipit suscipit.

Aliquam nec purus dui. Cras ut velit placerat, tincidunt tellus a, aliquam purus. Phasellus sed lectus ullamcorper, consectetur ex sed, pellentesque dui.

Heading One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada lacus, sed rhoncus ex imperdiet et. Aliquam ac aliquam leo. Sed non consequat nisi. Integer ac commodo massa. Donec tempus erat at neque dignissim lobortis. Nullam arcu lacus, imperdiet eu volutpat ut, feugiat vel nunc. Proin sem nisi, ultrices vel eros vel, varius aliquet ligula. Ut tincidunt id est id pulvinar.

Integer fermentum accumsan ipsum, eu consequat lectus facilisis at. Proin tortor erat, faucibus nec ex in, vulputate tincidunt ligula. Nunc rhoncus, elit sed consectetur convallis, nisl tellus tempus mi, in pulvinar tortor lorem fermentum leo. Nullam tristique ultrices volutpat. Pellentesque tortor lorem, malesuada sit amet dui venenatis, elementum semper quam. Sed nec semper sapien, ac euismod purus. Maecenas sed libero elit. Vivamus eu purus sed est mattis ornare. Sed eget justo eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ullamcorper neque id orci mollis euismod. Quisque cursus posuere luctus. Quisque eros justo, pharetra nec quam vitae, tempus hendrerit leo.

Heading Two

Etiam accumsan dapibus augue, ornare pellentesque erat accumsan rutrum. Maecenas pharetra gravida pellentesque. Pellentesque varius posuere nulla, tincidunt tincidunt dui bibendum et. Sed a vestibulum justo. Sed quis mattis felis, sed pulvinar lorem. Aenean egestas faucibus elit quis bibendum. Sed eget tempor ante, nec dignissim elit. Proin facilisis libero ornare nisl commodo sollicitudin. Vivamus et massa magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce elit eros, cursus sed diam vel, sollicitudin vestibulum nisi.

Heading Three

Morbi tincidunt convallis neque vel scelerisque. Donec imperdiet vulputate ex vel pretium. Maecenas fringilla aliquet est varius egestas. Morbi vitae molestie urna. Nullam egestas cursus mauris fermentum fringilla. Aenean placerat, ante a efficitur tempor, lectus urna tincidunt diam, id lobortis metus risus vitae risus. Ut egestas maximus lacus et venenatis. Quisque pretium feugiat risus, at porta magna viverra commodo. Phasellus nec diam id nisi luctus rhoncus. In congue tincidunt dolor sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse tristique sollicitudin dictum. Mauris facilisis metus id massa ultricies vehicula.

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Our Racial Equity Policy

As an organization committed to culturally-specific care focused on African American health, we have worked diligently since our founding to ensure our clinic is an affirming, safe, and welcoming space for African American community members. Over these years, we have established specific policies, procedures, and approaches that speak to our deep valuing of racial equity. Our Racial Equity Policy, drafted by NxNE staff and approved by our board on December 6, 2019, gathers those principles and approaches in one document, institutionalizes our commitment to racial equity, calls us to a more racially equitable vision for our organization, and establishes a plan for accountability to our racial equity vision.

Download Our Racial Equity Policy

Racial Equity Policy

Opening statement

North by Northeast Community Health Center is committed to working against structural, institutional
and individual racism, particularly in healthcare and in the nonprofit workplace.


We acknowledge that:

  • The historic and present-day reality of racism is embedded in our institutions and systems, which means that white people in the US have far more privilege, power and access than people of color. This results in poorer outcomes in almost every category for people of color, from health to education to wages.
  • In Multnomah County, African American/Black people experience the greatest number of serious health disparities. 1 These lead to higher rates of death from chronic health conditions. We believe that racism is a primary reason for these health disparities.
  • The majority of nonprofit organizations in Portland are led by white people, according to white norms. In this way, the nonprofit industry helps to maintain white dominance, which causes harm to people of color. As a nonprofit, North by Northeast is not immune to this. Therefore, we have used and will continue to use our resources and power to move North by Northeast toward a more racially equitable vision for our organization.


We envision North by Northeast as:

  • A safe space where African American/Black cultural norms are celebrated and embraced, and where every effort is made to ensure services and care are free from the negative impacts of racism and implicit bias.
  • A health clinic where everyone who walks through our doors is treated with respect and empathy and where patients are empowered to advocate for themselves.
  • A workplace where staff will have racial equity as a core value, both in their work and personal lives.
  • A model for other nonprofits of an organizational culture and structure that operate according to racial equity values.

Our promise

Partnerships/contracts: We economically empower the African American/Black community by making a conscious effort to seek out and contract with African American/Black-owned businesses and vendors. We ask partner organizations, including funders, what their racial equity values or policies are, and use “commitment to racial equity in word and action,” as a criterion when deciding who to partner with or seek funding from. We strive to make connections with other African American/Black-focused organizations that meet our community’s needs.

Human resources: We hire staff and recruit board members and volunteers who are racially representative of the community we serve because we recognize the immeasurable worth of lived
experience and community relationships in moving NxNE’s mission forward. In posting job openings, we
prioritize culturally-specific media and community networks to get the word out. Our job postings include a salary/wage range. For each open position, we appoint a hiring committee to conduct interviews; the hiring committee is racially representative of the community we serve and includes at least one patient or former patient. We periodically request input from staff on the type and range of benefits provided. We provide opportunities for staff to train in their areas of work, areas of professional development that are of interest to them, and areas that may help them move into leadership and decision-making roles within the organization. When setting compensation for a new staff member, we take into account the value of that staff member’s lived experience and community relationships. We are transparent with staff on how compensation increases and bonuses are awarded. We strive to ensure NxNE is a safe and comfortable place for all people of color to be employed.

Patient and community input: We give patients the opportunity to provide confidential feedback on the care they have received, and we direct any race-based concerns to our Racial Equity Committee for review. We request and respond to feedback and input from our patients and community members about the services and programs they would like to see. We treat our patients’ and community members’ lived experience as an area of expertise. We demonstrate this by paying individuals for their time spent contributing that expertise (for example, participating in a focus group or sharing their story in our newsletter). We ask partners and those seeking input from our patients to do the same.
Patient care: We require all members of our clinical team, whether paid or volunteer, to complete training in racial equity and culturally-appropriate care. We maintain a culture of continuous clinical quality improvement. We conduct an annual review of targeted health outcomes by race and respond to any
identified disparities. We empower patients to be active participants in their own care.

Healthcare workforce: A diverse clinical workforce has been demonstrated to positively impact health outcomes for marginalized groups.2 We are committed to increasing the representation of African American/Black individuals within the health care workforce and within our own clinical staff. When hiring for clinical roles we make every effort to promote our job openings among African American/Black candidates. We actively seek the participation of African American/Black students and residents when providing preceptorship opportunities for medical students and residents.

Statement on this policy

We consider this racial equity policy to be a living document, adaptable and responsive to input from
current and future staff members, patients, board members, and stakeholders. The policy was written by
North by Northeast staff members in 2019, reviewed by the Patient Wellness Council on October 16, 2019
and approved by the Board of Directors on December 6, 2019.

This policy establishes a Racial Equity Committee, which will include four members – two staff members,
one Patient Wellness Council member, and one board member. The committee will:

  • Serve as North by Northeast’s experts on how organizational issues and decisions impact or are impacted by our stated racial equity values.
  • Ensure that staff members are given sufficient and regular opportunities to surface racial equity issues and concerns.
  • Respond to concerns or feedback from patients that have a race or racial equity component to them.
  • Hold North by Northeast accountable to operating according to this Racial Equity Policy, by raising as well as responding to questions/concerns from others (staff, patients, board and/or Patient Wellness Council members) about North by Northeast’s adherence to the policy.
  • Annually review this Racial Equity Policy and, as needed, recommend changes.


This policy uses the following definitions:

  • Health disparities: preventable differences in disease, injuries, violence, and opportunities that prevent people of color from achieving optimal health in comparison to white people.
  • Individual racism: face-to-face or covert actions toward a person that intentionally express prejudice, hate or bias based on race.
  • Institutional racism: the policies and practices specifically within and across institutions (e.g. the military, schools, the court system) that produce outcomes that chronically disadvantage people and communities of color.
  • Racial equity: the condition where one’s racial identity does not determine how one fares in society.
  • Racism: prejudice and power that results in a system that creates negative consequences for people of color.
  • Structural racism: the social, economic and political system in which we all exist and in which public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial inequity.
  • White dominance: a historically-based, institutionally-perpetuated system of abuse and oppression against people of color that maintains wealth, power and privilege for whites.
  • White norms: common characteristics and tendencies of most United States white people that society deems as “normal.”

1 “2014 Report Card on Racial and Ethnic Disparities,” Multnomah County Health Department.
2 “Does Diversity Matter for Health? Experimental Evidence from Oakland”, National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2019.

Working at North by Northeast

BHMDevelopment & Communications Director

We’ve partnered with Nonprofit Professionals Now to hire our first Development & Communications Director. The ideal candidate for this role will:

  • Have experience in fundraising/development with a proven track record of creating and implementing comprehensive fundraising plans, campaigns, and individual giving strategies.
  • Possess strong leadership skills and ability to manage and motivate teams and individuals, including colleagues, Board members, stakeholders, and other community partners.
  • Develop and implement communications strategies that effectively convey NxNE’s mission, values, and impact to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Lead all individual donor efforts including donor cultivation, stewardship, and solicitation.

View the full job description and complete your application online here: Development & Communications Director

Our Privacy Policy

We have established policies to protect the security and privacy of all information we collect. We maintain strict internal policies against unauthorized disclosure or use of any client or website user information. Any suspected attempt to breach our policies and procedures, or to engage in any type of unauthorized action involving our web systems will be regarded as potentially criminal activity and may be reported to the appropriate authorities.

Personal Information
It is the policy of North by Northeast Community Health Center to respect the privacy of our clients, members, and the people doing business through our services. Personal information presented here WILL NOT be sold, traded, loaned, published, or distributed by any other means to any party other than North by Northeast Community Health Center.

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. We store client information in secure databases protected with a variety of access controls. This data is accessed only for the purposes specified in this privacy statement.

Our websites use “cookies”. A “cookie” is a small text file that permits us to recognize your browser in order to customize your experience, or permit you to access restricted areas. Cookies do not contain personal information.

IP Address
Your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is usually associated with the place from which you enter the Internet, like your Internet Service Provider, your company, or your University. We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our servers, gather broad demographic information, and administer our websites.

This site gives clients and members the following options for removing their information from our databases to disallow future communications or to discontinue our services.

    You may remove your own email address from our e-news lists by clicking on the opt-out links provided in our automated e-news.
    You may also send e-news removal requests to: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Reporting Bulk-Email Abuse
If you feel that North by Northeast Community Health Center is out of compliance with our own Bulk-Email Policy, you may report bulk email abuse to: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Your Responsibility
Should you become aware of a breach of our Privacy and Security policies, or should you suspect a breach at any time, please contact us immediately so that we can respond to your concerns directly.

Contacting Us
If you have any questions about our privacy statement, the practices of our sites, or your interactions with this website, please contact us at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


North by Northeast Community Health Center
714 NE Alberta Street
Portland, OR 97211

Last Modified: November 2, 2016

Awards and Honors

  • 2014 National Newspaper Publishers Association Community Service Award (Pastor Mary Overstreet and Dr. Jill Ginsberg)
  • 2012 Multnomah County Gladys McCoy Award for Lifetime Volunteer Service (Dr. Jill Ginsberg)
  • 2011 Oregon Women of Achievement Award (Dr. Jill Ginsberg)
  • 2010 Multnomah County Public Health Hero Nomination (Dr. Jill Ginsberg and North by Northeast Community Health Center)
  • 2009 Marylhurst University Women of Distinction Woman of Science Award (Dr. Jill Ginsberg)
  • 2008 Bank of America Neighborhood Excellence Initiative - Local Hero Award (Dr. Jill Ginsberg)
  • 2008 OPIC (Oregon Partnership to Immunize Children) Model Program Award
  • 2007 Light a Fire Award “Keeping Us Healthy”
  • 2007 Oregon Women of Achievement Award (Pastor Mary Overstreet)
  • 2007 Congregation Beth Israel Second Annual Rabbi Rose Tikkun Olam Award for Community Service (Dr. Jill Ginsberg)
  • 2007 World Arts Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award in honor of Martin Luther King (Pastor Mary Overstreet and Dr. Jill Ginsberg)
  • 2006 Kaiser Permanente David Lawrence Community Service Award (Dr. Jill Ginsberg)


View the Public Disclosure Copy of North by Northeast’s Form 990 for:

Hummingbird at our feeder

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Our Partners

Thank you all! Without our partners we could not continue to improve health outcomes in the North by Northeast neighborhood.

A Cut Above
African American Health Coalition
Annette Sabo Design
B&G Construction
Black United Fund
Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare Garlington Clinic
Champions Barbershop
Cherry Sprout Produce
City of Portland
Coalition of Community Health Clinics
Congregation Beth Israel
Direct Relief International
Eliot Neighborhood Association
Health Share of Oregon
Hearts and Sparks Video Production
Hoover Family Foundation
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the NW
Legacy Health
Medical Teams International
Men’s Health Project
Meyer Memorial Trust
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church
Multnomah County Health Department
Nest NW Relocation Services
New Seasons Market
New Thought Center for Spiritual Living
Nonprofit Association of Oregon
Northwest Health Foundation
Northwest Permanente
Oregon Adult Immunization Coalition
Oregon Community Foundation
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.

Tracy Dannen Grace from Kaiser Permanente (on right) presents a check to clinic volunteers

PacificSource Health Plans
Peter Leichtfuss, PC
Portland Development Commission
Portland Observer
Powerhouse Temple Church
Project Access NOW
Providence Health and Services
Regence BlueCross BlueShield
Sisters of Providence Emilie Gamelin Mission Fund
Sisu Design Group
Stack Architecture
Terrell Brandon Barbershop
Tompkins Benefit Group
Tompkins Consulting Companies
Urban League of Portland
Volunteers of America
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Wilken & Company, P.C., CPAs
Willamette Week
Witham & Dickey
Yoshitomi Brothers


Michele Babaie, MD
Michele Babaie, MD

Interim Medical Director

Danielle Butcher-Tucker, RN
Danielle Butcher-Tucker, RN

Nurse Clinic Manager

Sharetta Butcher Watson
Sharetta Butcher Watson

Community Care Director

Daisha Gates
Daisha Gates

Operations Manager

Adriawna Garland
Adriawna Garland

Patient Services Coordinator

Imani Gilbert
Imani Gilbert

Enrollment & Assistance Coordinator

Suzy Jeffreys
Suzy Jeffreys

Executive Director

Karletia Lewis, NP
Karletia Lewis, NP

Primary Care Provider

Tee Price
Tee Price

Clincal Care Coordinator

©2024 NxNE Community Health Center